Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Holidays??

First, may I say that if you are reading this...COOL!!!!  That make me giggle like a little girl!  Thank you for reading, and if I can make you smile, or even just ponder something, I will be a very happy person!  Feel free to become a follower and leave "Why the hell do you use so many exclamation points????"  :o)
Today I would like to vent a little.  Why is it not ok to publicly put up Christmas decorations but it IS okay to decorate for every other holiday?  I work in a school.  There is not to be any talk of Christmas, but we discuss Hannukkah, Eid and Kwanza.  Now, if I am not mistaken, Hannukkah is a religious holiday.  I am NOT in any way bashing anything Jewish.  I am part Jewish.  What I AM saying is that if we can talk about a holiday that talks about a miracle (and where do miracles come from?  I've always heard they come from God, or a higher power), why can't we talk about Christmas?  In America, unfortunately Christmas has lost a huge amount of it's religion.  It's become a time to glut on cookies, shop until you are bankrupt, and "get stuff".  When you ask children about Christmas it's all about "what I'm gonna get".  It's a rare event if a child even mentions Jesus.  It's all "Santa comes and gives me stuff".  So why can't we decorate for it?  A Christmas tree is not a symbol of religion to most people.  It's there to put "stuff" under and look pretty in the window.  I have never read anything in the bible about a big fat man dressed in red that breaks into houses by going down the chimney.  I see no problem with people saying Merry Christmas and having Christmas trees or Santas.  Face it....that's why we go nuts in December in the first place!  It doesn't bother me to see giant menorahs or other religious displays, as long as they are respectful (there use to be a house around here that would put up a display with a toilet being pulled by reindeer.  That bothered me a bit).  I also very much enjoy seeing a nice display with Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus.  Show me the 3 wise men and I'm even happier!  It IS what Christmas is supposed to be about, isn't it?  I am all for celebrating holidays from where ever you are from, but do not stop me from enjoying MY holiday either.  Please feel free to share your holiday and traditions with me, but let me share mine with you as well.  These people who are "offended" by signs of Christmas...get a hobby!  Seriously, aren't there more important things to get offended by these days, like terrorism, people burning our country's flag, illegal aliens (don't even get me started on that!)?  I am all for coexisting.  We really need to learn to get along.
**If I have offended you in ANY way, I sincerely apologize.  This is an opinion, that is all.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Wonder of the Autistic Child (mostly mine)

I love autistic kids!  I live with one!  Actually, Danny isn't officially autistic.  He has an "intellectual disability with autistic tendencies"...a fancy way of saying he has mild mental retardation (low IQ) and autism.  This year at work I am a kindergarten assistant, but for the past few years I have been a special ed. assistant for grades K through 3.  I have worked with some amazing kids with all kinds of disabilities, but I have to say that autistic kids are my favorite.  Talk about quirky!  And out of the autistic kids, the Asberger's kids are the best!  In case you don't know what that is, asberger's is very high functioning autism.  They have high IQ's, but their social skill are WAY off.  You can actually have a conversation about planets or roman numerals with a 5 year old asbergers kid.  It's amazing!
One of the things I really love about autistic kids is that they don't get the concept of lying.  I can't speak for all of them, but just the ones I know.  In the past I have asked one boy if he actually spit on another child (I knew he did because I saw it).  He said "Yes and I'm NOT sorry!!"  Love it!  Now, my 20 year old kid on the other hand is just learning about this lying thing.  "Danny, did you spill red paint on the basement carpet?"  Danny:  "No" (eyes darting around, the slightest of smirks at the corners of his mouth).  Me:  "Danny, it looks like an animal was slaughtered in the basement!  Tell me the truth"  Danny (big grin): "I am telling the truth!"  Me:  "Dude (yes, I say Dude), I am not going to yell at you.  Just tell me the truth because I know it was you.  There isn't anyone else here!"  Danny:  "Yes"  Me (slapping myself in the head):  "Jeez!  Why do you have to make it so difficult??" Danny:  "I dunno"
My boy also doesn't tell me about things he should be proud of, like being Student of the Month.  I have to find out from his teachers.  The kid could find a cure for cancer and he wouldn't tell anyone!  I'd get a call from his teacher!  Teacher:  "Did Danny tell you he cured cancer today?  It was very exciting!"  Me:  "No, he doesn't tell me anything."  A later conversation with him would go...Me:  "Hey buddy!  Did something exciting happen today?"  Dan:  "No"  Me:  "C'mon!  I got a call from Mr./Mrs. Teacher-this-year!  Did you cure cancer today?"  Dan:  "Yeah."  Me:  "Dude!  That's awesome!  You should be telling everyone!"  Danny:  "No thank you."  He is usually very polite about it.
Typically we can't get the kid to talk to us about anything, but lately we can't get him to shut up!  I get home from work, craving peace and quiet and Danny comes upstairs and starts talking.....and talking....and talking!  He tends to repeat himself about 50,000 times.  "Joe is my best friend"  Me:  "That's great"  Dan:  "He's like a little brother to me"  Me:  "Awesome!  I'm glad he means so much to you"  Dan:  "Yeah, he's my best friend"  Me:  "You said that"  Dan: "He's just like a little brother to me"  Me:  "Yeah, I got that.  I'll bet he's your best friend too".  He doesn't always get my sarcasm.
Most people brag about their 20 year old sons getting good grades in college, or scoring on their football team, or talk about their son's girlfriend.  We get to talk about how, when we go to make sure he is up for school, we can find him snuggled up with his favorite teddy bear, or how he made a giant Power Ranger cut out on poster board.  Most 20 year olds have things on the Christmas list like a new car, a trip, a Wii, or clothes.  Our kid wants bottles of Tacky Glue and a DVD of Beast Wars 2.  I love his simplicity!
All kids are amazing, and everyone's kid is the best to them, but I have to say, we have a very special, special- needs kid.  We wouldn't trade him in for all the "normal" kids in the world!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Robin, Why a blog?

Why a blog from someone who really doesn't do anything, you ask?  Well, for one thing I am bored.  And for another thing, I have opinions that SOMEONE out there might want to hear.  They might not be terribly interesting, but they are to my gift to you.  So suck it up.  It's a gift!  Be grateful!
Why "I'd Rather Be Sleeping" for a title?  Well, anyone who knows me wouldn't even have to ask that question.  I LOVE to sleep!  It's my very most favorite thing to do!  Sleeping is the ULTIMATE escape.  From the time I wake up in the morning, I look forward to when I will be able to go back to sleep.  Some may find that sad, but for me, sleep is the BEST!  I had a time a couple years ago when sleep and I had a bit of a rough go of it.  I had mono and was miserable, and since I was doing nothing but laying around all day, sleep would not visit me at night.  It was a very sad time for me.  I thought sleep and I were finished forever.  BUT, once I got better sleep came back to me and we have been together ever since.  :o)
What on Earth will I, one of the most boring people ever, blog about?  In keeping with my upbringing, I have made a list.  It's called Topics To Blog About (yeah, I put a lot of thought into that).  Ideas flashed through my head at warp speed!  Things like "Music And Why Does It Have To Suck So Bad These Days?  Why The Hell Does Macy's Have To Ruin A Perfectly Good Parade With All The Stupid Performances??  Thanksgiving: A Good Way To Keep My Dad In Frozen Dinners For Months!  And my favorite....How Can You Be Too Busy For Facebook??  I have many other wonderful topics to share with the world, so be sure to stay tuned!