Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I am sad.  Everything that is happening in the world is making me so sad.  Is there anything good happening anywhere?  I feel like there is a tsunami hanging over my head.  I want to help but don't know how.  It's not just the awful things that have happened and still are happening in Japan.  It's everything.  What I really need to do is stop watching the news...teenage gangs beating up innocent people at Metro stations, women being raped and killed, people starving in the streets, crooked politicians EVERYWHERE!  I guess they don't show good news on TV because there isn't any.  *sigh*


  1. Sometimes you really have to go looking for the good news. It's out there, just hard to see sometimes. Focus on what you can do. Make a donation to an agency that is special to you. Volunteer. Those things are good for others and also good for you. You will feel like you are making a contribution, even if it is a small one. It will make a difference.

  2. The kitten in slow motion video didn't cheer you up any?

  3. I am sorry that you are Sad. Think of it this way, terrible things have ALWAYS been going on since the dawn of time. Just now, we are all VERY aware of all of it because of how quick news can travel. So the horrible stuff that drives you crazy at night has always been there. You're just now aware of it!

    You're welcome.

  4. Oh... sorry... Wicked96SS is Me. Johnny Midnight. AKA Brad.
